C-333 375 Super Car Patrol Team Super Car Patrol Team SPORTS CAR PATROL1989Micromasters SUPER CAR PATROL TEAM1990C-333MicromastersNew colors on the figures1991C-375 GINGHAM HYPERDRIVESPORTS CAR PATROL1989Micromasters GinghamSUPER CAR PATROL TEAM1990C-333MicromastersNew colors on the figures1991C-375 DEADHOUR DETOURSPORTS CAR PATROL1989Micromasters DeadhourSUPER CAR PATROL TEAM1990C-333MicromastersNew colors on the figures1991C-375 Black Jack ROADHANDLERSPORTS CAR PATROL1989Micromasters Black HeatSUPER CAR PATROL TEAM1990C-333Micromasters1991C-375 ROADHUGGER ROADHUGGERSPORTS CAR PATROL1989Micromasters ROADHUGGERSUPER CAR PATROL TEAM1990C-333MicromastersNew colors on the figures1991C-375 Gallery Black Heat Dead Hour Gingham Road Hugger Box Takara vs Hasbro Takara Hasbro Variants SPORTS CAR PATROL 1989 MICROMASTERS Super Car Patrol Team 1990C-336Micromasters+ Different color than Hasbro Super Car Patrol Team 1991C-375 With MT-12 Trailer With friends